I started taking walks at sunset to feel better. It was January of 2021, nearly a year into the COVID pandemic. On these anti-depressant walks, I kept running into crows, participating in their own sunset ritual, hundreds of them in a raucous shimmering black net. They flew around the city, my hometown, gathering, gossiping, and ultimately sleeping together in trees. I was both intoxicated by and jealous of the nightly crow party—standing under them was my only crowd experience in nine months. For the next three months, I tracked them every night I could.
My solo practice of paying the crows attention grew into a participatory art project. The 50 human participants were my community in Providence: my classmates, partner, students, professors, mother, childhood friends. I had the urge to share the crow crowd with my crowd, keeping the parameters of human engagement loose enough to leave room for chaos, refusal, or play. Each walk was different: the crows took a different route, the weather changed. I invited the more performative humans to bring something to share: a poem, a song, a dance, a ritual. I shot video and wrote journal entries documenting each night’s quest. The project grew to include this sculptural-video installation, based on forms the murder of crows makes in flight.

Everyone I Have Ever Crowed With 2021- (Exterior)
Mixed media sculpture with 2-channel video. Materials include felt, latex paint, wood, PVC conduit, corn nuts, fabric, wire, sand, and cedarwood essential oil
10' x 6' x 10'
Channel 1: Dome Projection
Everyone I Have Ever Crowed With 2021- (Interior)
Mixed media sculpture with 2-channel video. Materials include felt, latex paint, wood, PVC conduit, corn nuts, fabric, wire, sand, and cedarwood essential oil
10' x 6' x 10'
Channel 2: Monitor
Everyone I Have Ever Crowed With 2021- (Detail)
Mixed media sculpture with 2-channel video. Materials include felt, latex paint, wood, PVC conduit, corn nuts, fabric, wire, sand, and cedarwood essential oil
10' x 6' x 10'
Special Thanks To:
Crow Walk Participants
Sophia Blum, Aparna Sarkar, Karina Lutz, Tom Brett, Lukey Agnes Walden, Natan Last, Doug Blum, Zibby Jahns, Matt DaSilva, Beth Stafford-Laird, Hannah Suzanna Garrett, Huaqin Chen, Emma Zou, Jairson Ascenção, Yixuan Pan, Michael Dispensa, Nick Stuart, Orli Swergold, Angela Dufresne, Allen Kramer, Evan Schwartz, Sean Hutton, Rebecca Senn, Tala Worrell, Jess Regelson, Luca Antonio, Nicole Schonitzer, Edward Steffani, Gregory Deddo, Janelle Deddo, Gus Deddo, Ginger Mombelly, Brandon Feliz, Emily Wilker, Haley MacKeil, Alexis Hill, Jasmin Klinger, Sylvia Haigh, Adela Goldbard, Kit Son Lee, Jarrett Key, Ryan Diaz, Jackie Gendel, Tom McGrath, Audrey McGrath, Christine McGrath, Steffanie Padilla, Hamza Ahmad, Kiki Joyce, Anna Fairbanks Santana
Fabrication & Tech
Gregory Deddo
Critical Feedback
Angela Dufresne, Jackie Gendel, Adela Goldbard, Kyle Hittmeier, Dean Moss
Bhen Alan, Ineke Knudsen, Sophia Blum, Jess Regelson