Morong Li

Snapbot - The Enhanced Physical Play

Snapbot is a building toy set. It investigates the integration of physical and digital mediums within the realm of play, addressing the dominance of video games in children's entertainment. By merging Morong's interests in toys, design, and psychology, this project aims to balance different play mediums to offer combined benefits without diminishing each one's value.


/Snapbots%20are%20transforming%20from%20squares%20to%20bots%20mode.%20 /Snapbots%20are%20equipted%20and%20ready%20for%20the%20adventures. /Snapbot%20in%20user%27s%20hand /User%20playing%20with%20Snapbot%20Kit. /Combined%20pictures%20of%20the%20Snapbot%27s%20adventure%20on%20an%20alien%20planet.


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