Sarah Alix Mann

From One Nature to Another


Sarah Alix Mann's work aims to re-frame our connection with nature and with our own bodies, using research and design to question paradigms about how we heal ourselves and the planet. Her designs have been realized in hand-made products, public spaces, natural landscapes, social initiatives, digital platforms, and exhibitions.

Lichen, fungi, and soil each represent a microcosm of nature. They are all quintessential examples of complex symbiosis, yet they are often treated as lifeless materials. For instance, lichen filter the air of toxins and react visibly to air pollution; the more fungi are studied, the more benefits to our health and the environment are discovered; and soil is a few inches of matter and organisms upon which our lives truly depend. "From One Nature to Another" invites us to bring these entities into our homes and reflect on their possibilities as collaborators. Each piece was designed to shelter the entities as they cohabitate our indoor atmosphere, as well as initiate acts of mutual care that spark our imaginations.


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The Lichen Fleece in its Glasshouse


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The Soil Carpet


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The Fungierie


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