Marianna Pasaret Molinar


Cultivating Community through Grid Remediation in México 

In México, the proliferation of monotonous affordable housing developments on the outskirts of urban centers stems from a profit-driven approach that prioritizes rapid construction over livability and community well-being. These housing developments, stark rows of barren husks, reflect a system that depletes both land and human connection. Abandoned units — consequences of a patchwork (or non existent) infrastructure —now stand as silent critiques of this broken system. 
Drawing inspiration from the cycical strategies of the Milpa, that recognizes the full spectrum from barren stalk to abundance, this project proposes a cyclical model for community growth. Current housing practices, akin to the industrialized profit-driven corn industry, siphon resources and degrade the environment, leading to subpar living conditions. Through the repurposing of abandoned housing units, the strategy introduces architectural interventions that weave in adaptability and programmatic duality into these mono-zoned housing developments. 


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