
[NOS]otros: La Practica

Lucia Monge


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Environmental issues are part of our daily conversations but not as common in our everyday considerations. The times call on us to approach things differently. We must find alternative ways to relate to each other and to understand the real issues of our ecology. We cannot perceive the whole through our accustomed senses, so we must open and expand our perception. Art offers that possibility, allowing for points of contact across distance while physically representing that space in between. How do we relate to other living beings around us, determine what is living, and decide who is part of our own kin(d)? This thesis is an open invitation to explore movement as one of the characteristics shared by all living things and as a medium to experience (first hand) the interconnected system. In my sculptural practice, I make contact with plants, which are often perceived as “less alive” and apparently immobile. I score for interspecies connectivity through small gestures that foster resonance in time and open common ground between mediums and languages to redefine the “border”. [Nos]otros: our others, acknowledges others as part of our own self challenging the divides that establish otherness, specially the one drawn between the animate and inanimate. This construct, like any other fence, calls to be jumped over, repeatedly. [Con]tacto: with touch, is the practice of touching difference. A way of coming to know through an embodied experience that implies tactful touch.


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I wonder what you are thinking about when I am talking, what are you thinking about when I am talking? Because when I am listening to you talk, I hear the sound of your voice and I’m trying even to guess what you are saying and I’ve been thinking how, well speaking now about the body, arbitrarily about the body it is a word you can use in many mediums. You can talk about the body of work, a person’s body, the body of language and …how would you say body in Mandarin?

Your smile seems confusing to me now… I can’t guess what you’re talking about. Sometimes it’s a moment when I suddenly understand your talking but next seconds I drop in the mist again. It might be the gap of language I guess.

And also how do you use it? Because I don’t know if you use the word body like we would use it in Spanish or how would it be used in English. Some of the words I use in Spanish don’t have the same use in English many of the words in I use in Spanish don’t have the same use in English and I was thinking about the body and its roots, how a tree has roots and each root takes you to a different place. In language we do not have the same roots. I think that is a pretty picture that you and I don’t have the same roots, our cultures are so different but in some way we are trying here to meet in a tree.

Maybe it’s true. I think… Uh, can you explain your meaning a little more? I feel the shorter the talking is, the more difficult to understand the meaning of it, in the opposite, it’s much easier to guess for long talking. What do you think?

No, I am just thinking about, about if this is thinking out loud, if it is having a conversation, if it is what I am expecting of it… I think it should be just a conversation.

Yes it seems everyone is so different actually. For example, your talking itself is expressive without evaluating the language part, but my tone might be more flat without showing much emotion flux, I don’t know if this will cause difficulties on understanding.