Ziyuan Huang
Move in the internet


We work in front of computers and consume digital entertainment our leisure time. Our bodies need frequent consumption of varied movements for essential physiological processes, while screens cause prolonged stationary. Our bodies need good alignment to function well for a lifetime, while devices and chairs cause bad alignments. The goal of my thesis is to design objects to encourage body movements and good body alignments throughout the day. I hope to design for a sustainable state of well-being.

For my first project for the thesis, I looked into sitting. I designed a chair that allows people to switch between kneeling and cross-legged positions, which are poses that both encourage better alignment and more body movements.

For my second project for the thesis, I looked into the internet. I design a movement-based internet browser that people need to use body movements to navigate in. The physical engagements help people to be healthier and be more aware of digital consumption. It is designed to be used with ease, and the movements make people feel good.



Move in the Internet




scroll the instagram


stand up to watch a youtube video


squat to open the mailbox


turn to slow read