More than three hundred years ago, Seattle City was a place of wilderness, occupied by non-humans and the Duwamish Tibe and Suquamish. After the continuous human habitation of the village site, the dominance of Seattle has eventually shifted from non-humans to humans. While non-humans have been lived in the city all the time and seek a better living space.
The project proposes a multi-functional green network operating at different scales to cohabitate and reconnect between humans and non-humans. It restores natural habitat patches in existing locations of urban green spaces in Seattle City and connects them with co-habitation corridors in public lands. With continuous access to humans and non-humans, different types of habitats, and distinct types of public space, it seeks to integrate ecological and social values with cultural manifestations.

The New Freeway Park
Material / Medium: Digital
Dimensions: 32 X 20 Inches
Year: 2021
Through the whole green network, it connects and renovates relevant green spaces. The new freeway park show how it functions as a central station for non-humans to connect different corridors.

The Origin of Life on Earth
Material / Medium: Digital
Dimensions: 16 X 10 Inches
Year: 2021
"Language, tool use, social behavior mental events, nothing really convincingly settles the separation of human and animal."
-Donna Haraway

Importance of Nature
Material / Medium: Digital
Dimensions: 16 X 10 Inches
Year: 2021
The existence of nature is always an important part of urban areas. The biophilia hypothesis suggests that humans possess an innate tendency to seek connections with nature and other forms of life.

Population Distribution Map
Material / Medium: Digital
Dimensions: 16 X 10 Inches
Year: 2021

Species Profiles
Material / Medium: Digital
Dimensions: 16 X 10 Inches
Year: 2021


Habitat Analysis
Material / Medium: Digital
Dimensions: 16 X 10 Inches
Year: 2021

Future Vision
Material / Medium: Digital
Dimensions: 16 X 10 Inches
Year: 2021

Corridor Typology: Scrubland
Material / Medium: Digital
Dimensions: 16 X 10 Inches
Year: 2021

Fresh Water Pond and Wetland Habitat
Material / Medium: Digital
Dimensions: 16 X 10 Inches
Year: 2021
To restore the freshwater wetland and pond habitat in the existing location of the freeway park, the existing highway traffic circulation will be moved to the lower level. The structure will be redesigned and enhanced to achieve the function.

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