
Yuxuan An
Thesis Title
An likes uses social issues as a source of inspiration for her creations and conducts in-depth systematic research through interdisciplinary social investigation as an impetus for theoretical basis. From the perspective of contemporary Chinese women living abroad, An explores the construction of personal identity in the context of geopolitics.
To convey the voices of social Mission and empathy is the driving force behind her less-than more widely. The majority of her works are performances in which she attempts to create a wobbly and fragile atmosphere. Through the contrast between visual form and concept, the works often deliver meaning full of jokes and satire for the audience. She believes that ridiculousness and irony are the most playful and powerful methods of resistance of the underprivileged.
Princess Chives
Princess Chives is the greatest contemporary ruler of Chiveism. Princess Chives brilliantly, comprehensively, and resourcefully promoted and developed Chivesism, taking it to a whole new level.
Princess Chives ideology is a powerful ideological weapon against everything, and it serves as the foundation for all of the work of the entire party, army, and country.

Love Nu/Woman
We should believe in the masses and we should believe in the Party, these are the two most basic principles. If you doubt these two principles, then nothing can be done.
Whatever the enemy opposes, we must embrace; whatever the enemy embraces, we must oppose.
The Chiveism system will eventually replace the capitalist system, according to objective rules. No matter how hard the reactionaries try to halt the march of history, the revolution will undoubtedly occur and Chiveists will be victorious.

Love Nu/Woman
The armed seizure of power is the central task of war and the highest form of the revolution.
War solves all problems.
There would be no Chive party or people behind it today if there had not been armed conflict.

The people, and only the people, are the driving force behind development of world history.
The masses are the true heroes, although we are sometimes childish and ridiculous. Without understanding this, we cannot gain even the most basic knowledge.
Commandism is wrong in all work because it increases the level of intelligence of the masses and violates their principle of voluntarism.

The central part of uniting the Chiveism Party in the great political struggle is mastering ideological education. If this task is not completed, the Party’s political objectives will be thwarted.
To serve the people wholeheartedly and never be detached from the masses; to act in the interests of the people, noy in the interests of individuals or small groups; to be equally accountable to the people and to the Party’s leading organs; this is our promise.
To struggle, there will be sacrifices, and death will occur on a regular basis. However, when we consider the interests of the people, and the suffering of the majority of the people, we die for the people, and we die well.