Emily Bennison

Garment Making as a Practice of Freedom

As an Artist, Emily Bennison delves into the depths of memory and nostalgia through creating  one of a kind storied garments. The body is a  canvas for narratives woven with threads of personal recollections and collective experiences. Each creation is a testament to the beauty of diversity, a homage to the rich history of women sewers before her.
As a community fashion design educator, she strive for more than mere aesthetics; championing radical acceptance and inclusivity. Working with young people, Emily works towards a classroom where all bodies and identities are celebrated, where garments become a medium for empowerment and self-expression.

Fashion Design Work - Comfort Chronicles


Girl standing on stairs in quitled multi color dress with sunflowers on the dress

Comfort Chronicle's Look one

Fashion Design Wotk


Girl stretching in pink gingham dress with floral green and yellow corset

Comfort Chronicles look 2

Textile Work 


Swamp Textile landscapes of found blue and green fabric and Yarn

Okefenokee Swamp 1

Textile Work


Blue textile rectangular with long thick green yarn strands dangling like vines

Okefenokee Swamp 2

Elementary Arts Sewing Projects


Red hand sewn color monster with red eye and yellow stitching around the rectangular body

Color Monster by Student at Mini Makerz

Middle School aged Sewing Project


Girl posing in white cargo pants and coral and white patchwork knit short sleeve top

Patchwork Top by Student at Barrington Public Library

Highschool Age Sewing Project 


Student posing with back jacket with white pleated fabric wrapping around the arms

Pleated Jacket by Student at Project Open Door


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