Meital Smith

Meital's Experience in Rhode Island Schools!

Meital is an artist / designer from Seattle, Washington. She’s wanted to become an art teacher ever since she’s thought of having a career. Growing up attending Camp Miriam, a socialist Jewish summer camp in Canada, instilled her with a deep passion for social justice and youth empowerment, with a healthy dose of fun sprinkled in; all of which she plans on bringing to her future classroom. In her artistic practice, Meital gravitates towards printmaking, painting, comics and illustration, as well as making little friends out of clay. When she’s not doing that, you might find her knitting, biking, or gallivanting around outside with her loved ones. This year, she was a student teacher at Lillian Feinstein Elementary and Central Falls High School.



A student's hand holding a popsicles stick is scratching into a crayon-laden paper. The popsicle stick is creating patterns in the self portrait. A bin of crayons can be seen to the left of the image.

Student working on self portrait inspired by contemporary artist Christian Scott. Students used mirrors to create colorful self portraits and used crayons and popsicle sticks to experiment with scratching patterns into their work. 


A student with a heart over their face to protect privacy is standing at a table and coloring with marker a portrait of themselves. The student is using blue, red, and a tan colored marker.

During a free draw, a student decided to create a self portrait. Note the observational skills present of the student illustrating their own sweatshirt. 


A paper collage cut out of a spaceman from the video game Among Us stands up in a 3D fashion on a student's paper. Seen in the background is a mess of papers and gluesticks.

A process shot of a student discovering the use of tabs in 3D paper collage by making an astronaut from the game Among Us. This was an instant hit amongst the other students and they were asked how they did that from all sides. Yay for horizontal learning!


Four clay figurines stand on a hand drawn baseball diamond atop a bright blue backdrop. The figurines have been painted a combonation of silver, light blue, and red, and all have some version of outstretched arms.

Four students sitting next to each other decided to make their clay Golems interact with each other by making them all players on the same baseball team with different poses. They then worked together to create a baseball field for them to be on. 



A woman in the center of the image is surrounded by a group of high-schoolers. The woman is pushing down on a sandwich of thin easy-cut linoleum block and a piece of paper onto the table.

This is me demoing how to print a linoleum carved block to a group of high schoolers. Instead of using a brayer and ink, we used ink pads to make our prints. 


Papers counter-clockwise from top right: guided brainstorming sheet, rough sketches on index cards, testing colors, and final illustration featuring a diagonally symmetrical drawing of a woman flexing her bicep.

A student's compiled process for a Playing Card Redesign project that asks them to remake a playing card through the lens of a social justice topic. This student chose to make their card about women's rights, and went through a rigorous design process to get to the final product, including testing and labeling different colored pencils, doing sketches, and trying a new symmettry transfer technique.


An assortment of drawings in the format of playing cards are suspended in from on a classroom wall with an American flag. Topics of the card include world peace, pro-immigration, and LGBTQ rights.

Final critique of the Playing Card project! Since many students also illustrated a on the back of their design to create a facsimile of a playing card, I strung up the final cards from twine and clothespins so students could see both sides of the card easily. 


A student's hands are seen working on a pony bead toucan. A drawn design of a toucan on graph paper is seen on the desk as well. Also present are a variety of beads and markers.

As a cool-down project, students were encouraged to become comfortable with making pony bead designs by following along with tutorials, and then creating their own original design. This student really wanted to make a toucan, and went through multiple iterations of the design and problem solving it until it came out to their liking.


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