Mah Rukh Raja

Community Engagement in Art & Design Colleges:
A Case Study from Pakistan

I believe in the power of reflective and reciprocal teaching. As an art and design educator, I take on the responsibility of creating a dynamic, inclusive, and engaging learning environment that empowers students to become proficient and thoughtful artists and designers.

Drawing inspiration from Paulo Freire’s emphasis on dialogue and critical inquiry (1970), I aim to foster an open and inclusive space for students to engage in critical discussions, exchange ideas on contemporary art and design, share knowledge, and embrace unique perspectives. This reciprocal learning promotes a strong sense of community, where students actively contribute to their own learning and that of their peers. This principle extends to the critique process, where conversational communications help students articulate their creative choices and receive constructive feedback, nurturing a supportive and respectful community of learners.

An Introductory Guide to Community Engagement


A guide to community engagement for educators and college administrators

If you are an art and design educator, an aspiring educator, or interested in engaging with communities, then this guidebook is for you.
As a living document, it will evolve with time and feedback.

Please adapt this guide to suit your project's unique needs and unleash its full potential.

Community Engaged Lexicon Poster


A riso-printed poster for community engaged pedagogy

It's all connected! 
If you would like a free copy of the poster, please get in touch.

Teaching Artist at Mini Makerz


Ceramic making demo at Mini Makerz

As part of my graduate assistantship, I worked as a teaching artist with Mini Makerz, a free visual arts program for local young children. This image is from the 'Spring Ceramics' class I taught at Mt. Pleasant Library in May 2024 where students made ceramics by imprinting flowers and leaves.

Soldier's Memorial Gate - Video Documentary

In this documentary (made as part of my Public Art class), I explored how art in public spaces is neglected, while holding immense significance for many.


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