







Interview with the locals(Source: One Word)
Video file
It deserves to be seen rather than forgotten.
A memorial is always controversial, like Linenthal said “memorial processes open as many wounds as they close, and that controversy often means that people are passionately engaged in the making and meaning of memorials.”
While the U.S might not start a 10-year plan to remove this nuclear waste or act on this proposal, we must plant this speculative seed to cultivate a more equitable future. As landscape designers, we think projectively, which differs from other disciplines. That said, part of this practice asks us to be humble; we can’t be so arrogant to say our design can easily solve such complex problems. We only have a certain degree of control.
It took 30 million years for coral reef atolls to reach an elevation six feet above sea level, but it easily may take less than 200 years for these atolls to be denuded in our compressed Anthropocene time frame.

Does Utopia exist? If so, I believe it is a state of mind, a way of thinking. This thesis speculates on future uncertainties. As such, my work punctures an illusion, examining history to reveal underlying tensions and, finally, conceive a brighter future for the Marshallese.
Using the Marshall Islands as a case study, this thesis examines how a population might face traumas, both historical and climactic, and demonstrate how new infrastructures can build resiliency to support minorities and create new memories.
My proposal introduces two potential “visitors:” Marshallese people ( future generations as well as indigenous) and the rest of the world. This plan aims to celebrate Marshallese culture, honor their land and its cultural significance, and, finally, build a memorial to their perseverance.