

Bridget DeFranco

Tree Stories

Tree Stories a generative landscape that functions kind of like a drawing program. The project is accompanied by found-text narrative that details the stories of an ancient sea dweller, a wayward bird, a disappearing fish, and two highly debated dolphins. 

Together, these stories tell of the many strange ways humans relate to other animal species. They describe the uncertain worlds of nonhuman animals and the worlds we build to describe them. These constructed worlds, particularly classification systems and trees of life, exist in a kind of feedback loop with the technologies we use to create them. They are similar to  screen-based representations in that everything is a placeholder or symbol pointing to something else. What would it look like to build a digital habitat that fits within the logic of the screen rather than being displaced into it or recreated for it?

Tree Stories

Generative Video

tree stories

22.75 x 28"



RISD Grad ShowRISD Grad Show

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