
Becky Brinkenhoff
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Scuba diving is like being in an altered state of consciousness. Time feels non-existent as you push against the viscosity of water, 50x greater than that of air, yet in reality, you have a very finite amount of time until you run out of your contained oxygen. Staying calm and slowing your breath extends the moment. Your other senses also shift as the water refracts light and acts as a magnifying glass, unconsciously altering your sensory perception until you go out to touch something and you realize it’s not where you thought it to be. You observe and get absorbed in schools of fish, partaking in a real life kaleidoscope, as thousands of fish shift directions in perfect synchronicity as near identical replicas of one another. The goal is to get to neutral buoyancy so you can be totally immersed in the present moment, taking in the marvel that exists all around you.

Slow Growth
Walnut, Upholstery, Metal
63" x 18" x 12"

Yin and Yang Table
72" x 32" x 30"