Chu Winnie Cheung

Cloud Chasing

Clouds are free. Hovering aimlessly, they drift with no set forms, looking down on humans high from the sky. I explore freedom between human and nature, with ‘cloud’ as a carrier, and extend its definition to the perspective of Chinese society and individuals through the format of jewelry.

As both a translator and jeweler, I am acutely aware of the ongoing censorship of language and events in Mainland China. My jewelry documents a diverse range of texts in China that expose the societal constraints imposed on its people, a miserable contrast of the freely floating clouds. It serves as a reminder, a warning, and a memorial that the voices of the people should not be silenced by grandiose narratives.

At the same time, it reflects on the mysterious and wondrous connection between individuals and the natural world. Having my practice rooted in Chinese land and culture, I draw inspiration particularly from Buddhism and Taoism of grasping the objective and spiritual world. Through context, materials and formats, I value the distortion of paper and emphasize the detailed aggregation of enamel and engraving. I seek to preserve and celebrate the special ways where humans connect with nature. While creating pieces that capture the raw and unbridled energy of the natural world, I try to restore the free and wild perceptual channels to nature that have been destroyed or blocked by modern society.


installation view

Title: Primordial (compressed paper bi);
Size: 12*12*1.5*;
Material: Xuan paper, flour, stainless steel


installation view

Title: Suspending (compressed paper brooch in the shape of bi);
Size: 10.5*10.5*1.5 cm;
Material: Xuan paper, newspaper. flour, stainless steel


installation view

Title: Untitled (carved cong in paper written with clouds);
Size: 9.5*9.5*3.5 cm;
Material: Xuan paper, newspaper flour


installation view

Title: Untitled; Size: 10*12*4 cm;
Material: copper, patina, string
Year: 2022


installation view

Title: Chasing the Cloud; Size: 30*50*2 cm;
Material: Paper, floud, copper, string


installation view

Title: Self-portrait;
Size: 8*8*3 cm;
Material: Copper, stainless steel, patina


installation view

Title: Existence(front);
Size: 4*4*1 cm to 10*10*1cm, 8 in total;
Material: copper, silver, enamel, string, decal paper


installation view

Title: Existence(back);
Size: 4*4*1 cm to 10*10*1cm, 8 in total;
Material: copper, silver, enamel, string, decal paper


installation view

Title: Endless writing;
Size: 20*100*2 cm;
Material: copper, enamel, paper, flour, string


installation view

Title: Endless writing;
Size: 20*100*2 cm;
Material: copper, enamel, paper, flour, string


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