Liberal Arts
Imagine 2200: Climate Fiction for Future Ancestors
Thursday 10/6, 6:30pm
RISD Museum, Metcalf Auditorium
On the night before the inauguration of President Williams, RISD’s Liberal Arts division and the Nature Culture Sustainability Studies Master’s program will host a dynamic discussion around “new spaces” crossing art, social justice and community through Imagine 2200: Climate Fiction for Future Ancestors, an initiative by Fix, Grist’s solutions lab. Writers and visionaries in climate solutions come together to discuss decolonizing and diversifying climate storytelling as well as the role that climate fiction plays in creating climate solutions. Afterward, stick around to chat briefly with the panelists and also meet and chat with faculty and students from RISD's Liberal Arts departments and programs. A reception in the lobby immediately follows the event.
RISD Museum
20 N Main Street
- Imagine 2200: Climate Fiction for Future Ancestors
- Metcalf Auditorium (1st floor)
- Thursday 10/6, 6:30pm
At RISD the exploration of both studio arts and liberal arts makes for a powerful experience. In fact, RISD stands out among art schools for its emphasis on liberal arts study. Doctorate-level faculty lead diverse classes spanning anthropology, biology, creative writing, literature, history, performance studies, philosophy, religion, sociology and more.