Print Materials and Publications

Collection Interventions

Public Engagement

Community Partnerships

Print Materials & Publications



An Oracle Deck designed to disrupt business as usual at the museum with bursts of teen joy and creativity. The deck was created by the 2021/22 RISD Art Circle teen cohort to create interference in the typical flow of museum work, and to bring the teens’ perspectives into the room with museum staff even without their physical presence.

The cards can be used in numerous settings – in the galleries, the office, in meetings, and more! All images & visual references were generated by the teens, drawing inspiration from numerous artworks in the Museum’s collection. Our staff has already started putting the deck to good use! Thank you to the teens for injecting some #clownanarchy into our days 🤡


Objects Art Closer Than They Appear

The 2017/18 RAC is exploring where values of the museum do and don’t connect with the values of the group, such as transparency of research, narratives within exhibitions, and the inclusion and exclusion of particular artists. The students are collaborating on a series of projects called Representation Can Start A Revolution, that explores the empowering possibilities of art. This includes a printed exhibition called Objects May Be Closer Than They Appear, which pairs together artworks from the museum’s collection that considers ideas of immigration, gender identity, governmental authority, racial representation, and more.


What Is Architecture To You?

The 2014-2015 RISD Art Circle culminated in a print guide as well as digital content-- audio and video playlists, and three Channel segments --that share their perspectives on Drawing Ambience: Alvin Boyarsky and the Architectural Association. The interpretive content they created asks the question “What is architecture to you?”, a question the group of 8 students also asked 150 visitors at the April 2015 Design the Night event. Students facilitated general visitors using their print guide and engaging in building a paper city.