
Edit View

Edit View is where you fill in the information that Ziggurat will use to create publication-wide navigational structures like headers, footers, and Tables of Content. This is also where you set the typography and color settings for a page.


  1. 1. Publications:
    1. - General Info
    2. - Typography
    3. - Colors
    4. - Libraries
    5. - URL Redirects & Publish Status
  2. 2. Publication Pages:
    1. - General Info
    2. - Citation Info
    3. - TOC Info
    4. - Typography & Colors
    5. - Print Info
    6. - Libraries
    7. - Publish Status
    8. - Page Order

Contents: 00:52 Publications Edit View | 01:21 General Info | 02:44 Typography | 04:52 Colors | 05:56 Libraries | 07:24 URL Redirects & Publish Status | 08:37 Publication Pages Edit View  | 09:07 General Info | 10:07 Citation Info | 10:40 TOC Info | 03:16 Typography, Colors, Libraries | 11:57 Print Info | 12:46 Publish Status


When you create a page in Ziggurat, you will first arrive at Edit view. You will need to enter and configure information in Edit view before you can proceed to Layout view to start designing your page. You can return to Edit view at any time by clicking Edit in the Button Bar.

For Publications, there are four tab categories on the left: General Info, Typography, Colors, and Libraries. Note that all fields with a red asterisk are required. Tabs with a red asterisk mean that there is a field or fields within that tab that are required.


General Info

The first field is a dropdown for publication type. You might not have this field, but we have two publication categories, so this is how we designate whether a publication is a Museum Publication or an Artist Publication.

The second field is the Long Title. This field has an asterisk, so it is required. This will be the full title of your publication. This will appear in tables of content, and in your publication’s URL. 

The third field is the Short Title. Sometimes your publication will have a long title, like Drawing Closer: Four Hundred Years of Drawing from the RISD Museum, and you’ll want a truncated version for mobile screens. In that case you’ll use this field. For example, you’d write Drawing Closer instead of the full publication title.

Finally, you have the Cover Image. This allows you to place an image from the Media Library as a hero automatically on your page. To do so, click the Add Media button. If you haven’t already uploaded your image to the Media Library, you can do so here. Otherwise, search for your image, select it by clicking the box in the image’s upper left corner, and then click Insert Selected. This field is not required; you can still create a hero image or even a hero video on your landing page in Layout view.



The next tab is Typography. This allows us to set the fonts for our Publication landing page. You can choose up to two fonts, a primary font and a secondary font. (Note that if you want to use more than two fonts on a page, then you will be assigning those at a section, not a page level.)

There are two ways to link your fonts: Webfonts and System fonts. Webfonts are externally hosted fonts, like Google Fonts. System Fonts are locally hosted fonts. Your primary and secondary fonts do not need to be hosted in the same manner. For example, you can have your primary font be a webfont and your secondary font be a system font.

To select a Webfont, you will need three pieces of information about a font: the URL, the Family, and the Type. We recommend using Google Fonts, as they are free and widely accessible.  

The Google Fonts site will supply you with those three pieces of information. We recommend having Google Fonts open in a tab next to your Ziggurat page, so you can refer back and forth.

Go to the page of your desired font, and click Select this Style. You should see a side bar open on the right. There is a grey box under the heading Use on the web. Copy the URL from that box. (The link will be the content appearing within href=" ". Make sure to copy the second link, that contains family= . Do not copy the quotations.) Paste that into the URL field on Ziggurat.

To get the Font Family, return to the Google Fonts page. In the second grey box, copy the font name, contained within the single quotation marks. (Do not copy the quotation marks.) Paste that into the second field (Font Family) on Ziggurat.

For the third Ziggurat field, we need the font type. That information appears in that second box, after the font family. It will be one of a few options, such as “serif,” “sans-serif,” “cursive,” “fantasy,” or “monospace.”

Make sure that you type or paste exactly what you find in these boxes. Don’t guess! If your fonts aren’t rendering when you save, double check these fields for any misspellings or errant characters.

To select as System Font, simply select your chosen font from the dropdown menu. If you want to add a new font to your system fonts, you will need to work with a developer or an upper level system administrator.



Next, you have the Colors Tab. This is where you set the Color Palette or Primary Color for the publication.

Creating a Color Palette is covered on the Intermediate Styling page; here you simply apply one to your page. (Note that you will also need to have a Color Palette block on your page for this feature to fully function. If your page does not have a Color Palette block, you can add one in Layout view. See the Layout View: Other Block Types page on how to do that.) To apply a ColorPalette, select from the drop down menu. 

If you don’t need a full color palette, you can alternatively just set a primary background color and foreground color for your publication. You can do that with the two open text fields. The foreground color is for any text that appears in relation to the background color.

Note that with any publication, you will always have the options of white text on a black background, and black text on a white background in addition to your primary background and foreground color choices. Use the primary color to create a third combination. To select these, enter a hex value (a pound sign followed by six letters or numbers). You will need to enter a value for both the foreground and background colors, even if one of them is black (#000000) or white (#ffffff).



Finally, we have the Libraries Tab. Note that Libraries are an advanced feature; for information about using and making Libraries, see the Advanced Styling page. Libraries allow you to add custom CSS or JS code, as well as additional Drupal libraries.

If you are going to use a Library Field on your Publication web page, then you will need to add that Library here, in Edit view. (You will also have to add an Attach a Drupal Library Block in Layout view for the feature to fully function. See the Content Fields section on the Layout View: Other Block Types page.)

To attach a Library here, you will need to enter its name into the open text field under Library Name to Attach. You can either type in its name, or search for it by clicking the Library Quick View button. This will open a pop-up menu that lists all available libraries. Search for the name of your Library in the search bar, and then click the Attach Library button next to your Library name.

Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save. Make sure that you add an Attach a Drupal Library Block in Layout view if you want to use the Library on your page.

If you want to add another Library, click Add Another Item. This will create another Library Name to Attach open text field, where you can attach the other Library. 

To remove a Library, delete the library name from the open text field. You can also toggle a Library off and on with the Enable This Library check box. Click Save at the bottom of the page to save changes.


URL Redirect

In the second large box below titled Published, there are several accordion menu items. Most of these are very advanced features that you won’t need to use. However, you might find the URL Redirects section useful. Here, you have the option to add a URL redirect, if that is necessary. For more about URL redirects, see the Manage Bar II page.


Publish & Save

At the bottom of the page is a Publish check box. This allows you to control the publication status of our page. By default it is set to published. If you wish to delay publishing this page, uncheck this box.  A published page will be accessible to anyone with the URL. An unpublished page will only be accessible to users who are logged in and have permission to access the page.

Finally, to make your Publication or to save any changes, click Save.

This will bring you to Preview. You can now go into Layout to modify the page layout and content. Or you can return to Edit at any time to make adjustments by clicking the Edit button.



Publication Pages

Edit view for a Publication Page is very similar, but with a few more tabs and fields. Publication Pages have three new tabs, Citation Info, TOC Info, and Print Info, and more fields on the General Info tab.


General Info

Publication Pages have a more complex General Info tab. Once again, we have a fields for a Long and Short Title. Only the Long Title is required. In this case, the Short Title will be used in the header field on desktop displays.

Below is another required field, Publication Reference. This is where you assign this page to the correct Publication. Choose the Publication from the dropdown menu.

The next four WYSIWYG fields, Page Credits, Media Credits, Bibliography/Links/Etc., and Endnotes supply content to preconfigured blocks for your page. These are all optional; not all pages will need endnotes and such.

If you do want one of these blocks on your page, you will fill that content in here. Placing these blocks onto your page in Layout view is covered in Layout View: Other Block Types.


Citation Info

The next tab is Citation Info. Ziggurat supplies a special block type that will auto generate an MLA and Chicago citation for your page. Ziggurat will pull most of that information (like titles) from information you already entered. But you will need to manually enter Author, if applicable, Editor, and Publisher and Publication Date information into these fields. Follow the instructions provided below the boxes for proper formatting.


TOC Info

The next tab is TOC Info. TOC stands for Table of Contents. This is where you enter information that Ziggurat will use to create a table of contents on the Publication landing page, and the navigational footer used on Publication Pages. You are only required to fill out this Primary Text field, but you have four WYSIWYG editors available. The Secondary Text is for things like subtitles or author names. The Text Before can be used for things like chapter numbers. The Text After can be used for things like author names or “coming soon.” Use the fields as they are useful to you. The information in the Primary Text field will appear in both Advanced TOCs (like what would appear on a landing page) and Simple TOCs (like what would be used in a publication page footer). All other fields will only appear in the Advanced TOC.


Typography, Color, & Library

Finally, we have the Typography, Color, and Library tabs. (See below for information about the Print Info tab.) They are exactly the same as those in Publication Edit view.


Print Info

Print Info is the second to last tab. It is a required field. It allows you to designate this page as a web design or a print design. (Recall that Ziggurat allows you to clone Publication Pages to create a print-friendly version of your page when needed. For more about the Print feature, see the Print Feature page.)

Here, you will select if your Publication Page has been designed to display for Print or Web. (Web is default.) The open text fields below allow you to associate the Print or Web Display Reference associated with that page, if you have one. You are not required to have a Print display, but if you do create one, this is how you associate those two pages. For Web display pages, add a Print Display Reference. For Print display pages, add a Web Display Reference.


Publish & Save

And once again we have the option to unpublish or publish our page. Note that unpublished pages will not show up in TOCs until you publish them.

Finally, to make your Publication Page or to save any changes, click Save. This will bring you to View, and ready to add content to our page by going to Layout. You can return to Edit view at any point to make adjustments by clicking Edit in the Button Bar.


Publication Page Order

A note about page order. This was covered in the Intro to the Interface video, but here we mention it again. You won’t always create pages in the order that they will appear in your publication. To make sure that your pages appear in the proper order in your TOCs, you will need to go to Publications Sort in the Manage Bar. To order your pages, click and drag them with the four directional arrow. Once you have them in the desired order, you will see that they get TOC order numbers. Make sure you then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Save Order.