
Manage Bar II

Structure, People, Configuration, & Files

Learn about the more technical aspects of the Manage Bar.

  1. 1. Structure
    1. - Block Layout
    2.      - Add Custom Block
    3.      - Block Types
    4.      - Custom Block Library
    5. - Manage Library Field Entities
  2. 2. People
    1. - Add a User
    2. - Manage & Edit Existing Users
  3. 3. Configuration
    1. - Content Authoring
    2.      - Batch User Import
    3. - Media
    4.      - Libraries Overview List
    5.      - Library Field Entity Settings
    6. - Search and Metadata
    7.      - URL Redirects
  4. 4. Files (Content > Files)

Contents: 00:00 Structure | 00:46 Add Custom Block | 01:11 Block Types | 01:39 Custom Block Library | 02:25 Manage Library Field Entities | 05:14 People | 05:25 Add a User | 09:04 Manage & Edit Existing Users | 11:17 Configuration | 11:50 Content Authoring (Batch User Import) | 13:31 Media | 13:52 Libraries Overview List | 14:42  Library Field Entity Settings | 15:09 URL Redirects | 21:18 Files


The Structure tab is primarily used for making custom Blocks. Making custom Blocks is discussed on the Other Block Types page. This page here only gives an overview of the tab options.

Hovering over Structure reveals a dropdown menu with two options: Block Layout and Manage Library Field Entities. Hovering over Block Layout reveals three submenu items: Add Custom Block, Block Types, and Custom Block Library.


Block Layout

This is a very advanced feature, and should be left to people with specialized knowledge of Drupal. Do not make modifications to this page unless you understand exactly what you are doing, or it could have massive ramifications across your Ziggurat sites and interface.


Add Custom Block

This feature allows you to create a custom Block, with custom content that can be used across Ziggurat publications. The most common type of custom block is a Header, but you can also have custom Audio Blocks, Basic Blocks, Carousels, Heroes, Image Blocks, Image Grids, and Video Blocks.

For more about making a custom Block, see the Layout View: Other Block Types page.


Block Types

This page lists out all the available standard Block types. There is also an option to add more custom Block types. 

Note that adding a custom Block type is a very advanced feature, and should only be done by developers with knowledge of Drupal Layout Builder. This is NOT the same as adding a custom Block. Any custom Block type added to this page will become an option when users click + Add Block > Create Custom Block.


Custom Block Library

The Custom Block Library houses all custom Blocks that your team has created. Remember, the most common custom Block type is a publication Header.

You also have the option to add a custom Block from this page, with the Add Custom Block button.

Below that button are your custom Blocks, in order of most recently modified. You can search for a specific Block by typing the block’s name in the Block Description field, or sort the list by Block Type.

To edit a custom Block, click the hyperlinked Block name (under the Block Description column), or click Edit in the Operations column.

To delete a Block, click the downward arrow by Edit in the Operations column, and click Delete.


Manage Library Field Entities

Manage Library Field Entities allows you to view and review Libraries that your team has created. And like Content > Library Field, you can also add a Library from this page.

Below the page title (View All Library Field Entities), there are three tabs: All Libraries, Active Libraries, and Review Libraries. You will probably be using this page most for the Review Libraries function, as all Libraries your team creates must be approved, even if you are approving your own Library. This is for security reasons. (For detailed instructions on creating a Library, see the Advanced Styling page.)

The All Libraries and Active Libraries tabs look the same; All Libraries shows all Libraries (reviewed and unreviewed), and Active Libraries shows only reviewed Libraries. These pages begin with an Add Library button, and then have a list of all Libraries that your team has created. Above the list is an open text field allowing you to search for specific libraries. The list of Libraries has six columns of information: Link to Current Version, Label, Full Library Name, Changed, Created, and Review State. Link to Current Version gives you a hyperlink to the Library itself, where you can view the Library, edit the Library, see revisions, or delete the Library. (On the Active Libraries page, this field is Link to Active Version, and only lets you view the Library.) Label displays a short text description of the Library written by the Library author. Full Library Name lists the Library’s name/path, as you would use it to apply the Library on a page’s Edit view. Changed (a sortable field) allows you to see when the Library was last modified. Created shows when the Library was originally created. And Review State (also a sortable field) shows if a library has been approved or needs to be reviewed. (On the Active Libraries page, this column shows who last modified the Library.)

The Review Libraries tab allows you to approve a newly created or revised Library. To review a Library, click the Review Libraries tab. Any Libraries requiring approval will appear in a list below. An open text field above the list allows you to search for specific libraries, if the list is long. (Note that only Web Admins can approve Libraries, while all user levels can create them.) Click the Review Link hyperlink on the far left. Then click Confirm. This will bring you to a page that shows the Library’s Label, any code associated with the Library, and the Library Name. Here you can choose to Reject or Approve the Library.



The People tab allows you to manage and add Ziggurat users.

Clicking on the People tab will bring you to a list of all your existing Ziggurat users.


Add A User

To add a user, use the Add User button at the top of that page. If you are elsewhere on the site, you can add users on the fly by hovering over People and clicking Add User from the dropdown menu.

When adding a user, you will need to enter the user’s email address, and assign them a username and password. (New users can subsequently change their password to something of their choosing.)

You will then choose the user’s Status: Active or Blocked. Active users can access and edit the site within the bounds of their role’s permissions. Blocked users still exist as users, but no longer have editing access.

Below that, you can select a box to notify the new user of their new account. This will send out an email to Ziggurat with login instructions.

Next, you will choose the user’s Role. Next, you will choose the user’s role. A user can be either a Web Admin, Editor, or Artist. Note that in the case of Editor and Artist roles, a Web Admin will need to then assign a Publication or Publication Page to that user. (For more information about assigning permissions, see the Grants section on the Button Bar II page.)

Web Admins have full CMS access, and can view, edit, and delete any Ziggurat publication in your CMS. They can add users, assign publication pages to Artist users, and add custom blocks.

Editors have mid-level access. They get permissions granted to them at a Publication level. When granted edit access to a Publication, Editors can access the Edit and Layout views for all Publication Pages within that Publication. (For more information about assigning permissions to a Publication, see the Grants section on the Button Bar II page.) If an Editor has been assigned to a Publication, they will have four buttons on their Button Bar: View, Edit, Layout, and Revisions. Editors do have the ability to revert to an older version of a page. (If they have not been assigned to a Publication, they will only see View and Revisions, and not be able to revert.) Editors also have an abbreviated Manage Bar, with only Content and Publication Sort. This means that they can view all Publications and Publication Pages, but they can only make changes to those that have been assigned to them. They also cannot delete Publications or Publication Pages.

Artists have the lowest tier of access. They get permissions granted at a Publication Page level. When granted edit access to a Publication Page, Artists can access the Edit and Layout view of that Publication Page. Artists can be granted access to multiple Publication Pages. (For more information about assigning permissions to a Publication Page, see the Grants section on the Button Bar II page.) If an Artist has been assigned to a Publication Page, they will have four buttons on their Button Bar: View, Edit, Layout, and Revisions. They can look at past revisions by clicking the Revisions button, but they cannot revert to past revisions. Artists also do not have access to the Manage Bar. This means they cannot access the Media Library via Content in the Manage Bar.  They can upload assets to the Media Library from a Block, or they can go directly to the Media Library by adding /admin/content/media to the root URL (i.e. add that after the .org or .edu or .com). They can only access assets they themselves have uploaded, and cannot delete any assets.


Manage & Edit Existing Users

To edit an existing user, go to the People page. This page lists all existing users and gives you various search and sort options. 

You can filter by username or email address, by Status (Blocked or Active), by Role (Web Admin, Editor, Artist), or by Permission (this is a very advanced feature; most of the time you will not use this field). Click Filter to instigate your search.

Below, you also have the option to apply batch actions to users from the Action dropdown menu. By ticking the box next to the username below, you can apply any number of actions, including adding a new role, removing a role, blocking or activating users, or cancelling a user’s account. Note that Blocking a user’s account keeps them in the Ziggurat user list, while cancelling an account eliminates them from the list.

Finally, you have the list of users. By default, they are listed with the most recently added users appearing first. There are six columns of information about each user. Any hyperlinked column title (Username, Status, Member for, and Last access) can be clicked on, and used to sort users. For example, clicking on Username arranges users alphabetically.

Each row gives you the five categories of information about that user: their username, status (Active or Blocked), role (Web Admin, Editor, Artist, or unassigned), how long they have been a member, and the last time they accessed the site. It also gives you an Operations dropdown menu for that user, allowing you to edit or assign roles.

To edit a user, either click their hyperlinked username and then click the Edit button, or click Edit in the Operations dropdown. This will return you to the fields found on the Add User page. (Note that on Chrome, sometimes the email address and username will autofill with your own login information. Try using an Incognito window to resolve this.)

To add a role to a user, you can either do that from the user Edit page, or click Roles from the Operations dropdown menu.



The Configuration tab has three main menu items: Content Authoring (submenu: User Import), Media (submenus: Libraries Overview List, Library Field Entity Settings), and Search and Metadata (URL Redirects). Access these functions by either clicking Configuration and then selecting one of the options from the Configuration page, or by hovering over Configuration and choosing from option from the dropdown menu.


Content Authoring (Batch User Import)

Batch User import uses a CSV file to create multiple user accounts at the same time.

Hover over Configuration > Content Authoring in the Manage Bar, and then choose User Import. Or click Configuration and then click User Import.

First, select the role that you wish to assign the users from the Select User Role dropdown menu.

Below that, you will upload the CSV file. CSV stands for Comma-Separated Values; a CSV can be generated from a spreadsheet making program, like Microsoft Excel, Mac Numbers, or Google Sheets. 

You will need to create your spreadsheet in the following manner:

username email address status role

The username is your choice. The email address must be a valid email. The status can be either active or blocked. (In most cases you will want active.) The role can be: web admin, editor, or artist.

Do not capitalize any values, or add headings to your spreadsheet. Only include those four column values, for as many rows as you have users.

Next, you can choose to override the role you selected. Usually you will keep this value set to False.

Finally, click Import. The users you added will receive an email with their username and a temporary password, which they can reset when they log in.



Media connects you to two Library-related pages: Libraries Overview List and Library Field Entity Settings. Libraries Overview List shows you all Libraries installed on the site, and Library Field Entity Settings allows you to configure settings for Library Fields.


Libraries Overview List

This page is a list of all Libraries installed on the site. This is a list of both the Drupal Libraries that help run the site, and the custom Libraries your team has added. Ziggurat runs on a great many Drupal Libraries, as you can see in the list. If you are not a developer, you do not need to worry about the Drupal Libraries.

For more information about a specific Library, click Library Details. This is mostly very technical information that will only be relevant to you if you are a Drupal developer. But you can very quickly see that some Libraries are just CSS or JS, while others combine both.

Note that you cannot perform actions to the Libraries in this list. You can only perform actions on Libraries your team has created, through Structure > Manage Library Field Entities.


Library Field Entity Settings

This page allows you to configure settings associated with Libraries, specifically whether to allow JS code, and whether to allow Library authors to approve their own Libraries. Check or uncheck the boxes depending on your preferences and click Save Configuration. Both of these options pose a security risk. Consider what is most appropriate for your team.


Search and Metadata (URL Redirects)

This page allows you to track automatic site redirects or manually add your own.

Hover over Configuration > Search and Metadata in the Manage Bar, and then choose URL Redirects. Or click Configuration and then click URL Redirects.

But first, a brief note about URLs (aka web addresses), and how Ziggurat generates URLs. URLs follow a basic structure: protocol, domain name, and path

For example, this page’s URL is:


The protocol here is https://. It's telling your browser how to retrieve the resource. For Ziggurat, this will always be https://. The domain name is publications.risdmuseum.org. For your organization, it will be something different. The path is /ziggurat-documentation/manage-bar-ii-structure-people-configuration-files. The path is whatever comes after the backslash after the domain name.

To generate a Publication URL, Ziggurat will take the domain name and add a path. That path will derive from the Publication Long Title (excluding punctuation, articles, and conjunctions). So for this publication, the URL is https://publications.risdmuseum.org/ziggurat-documentation.

To generate a Publication Page URL, Ziggurat will take the domain name, the Publication path, and add another path for the Page, derived from the Publication Page Long Title. So this page’s URL is https://publications.risdmuseum.org/ziggurat-documentation/manage-bar-i….

This follows SEO (search engine optimization) best practices, so that URLs give the reader a sense of what is on the page, and where they are on a site. (As opposed to a long string of letters and numbers.)

Here is where URL redirects become relevant. If you make changes to the Long Title of your Publication, or to the Long Title of your Publication Page, Ziggurat will create a permanent URL redirect.

For example, if I change the Long Title of this Page from Manage Bar II: Structure, People, Configuration, Files to just Manage Bar II, Ziggurat will automatically create a redirect from /manage-bar-ii-structure-people-configuration-files to /manage-bar-ii.

On the URL Redirects page, you can manually add a redirect with the Add Redirect button

Why would you want to do that? Remember, Ziggurat automatically creates the URL path based on the Long Titles of Publications and Publication Pages. Sometimes your Long Title might be, well, long. For example, we have a Publication called Drawing Closer: Four Hundred Years of Drawing at the RISD Museum. That would make the Publication path /drawing-closer-four-hundred-years-drawing-risd-museum. That’s a lot to type out. So I can use a URL redirect to change the URL path to just be /drawing-closer.

Or, perhaps you have a page from a Publication that you want to feature as a stand-alone element in addition to its life in the Publication. Any Publication Page will have two paths elements, one from the Publication Long Title and one from the Publication Page Long Title. The URL path would be /long-title/long-title. This is great for an internal page, but could be less great if you want the page to also be a stand alone—especially if you are expecting users to be typing in a URL into their browser. The solution? You could use a URL redirect to change the path to a custom URL. So instead of /long-title/long-title you could have /custom-url. Because of the way the URL redirect works, both /long-title/long-title and /custom-url would take you to the same page.

Below that, you have search and sort options, and a list of all the URL redirects on your site. The list of redirects will have the original URL path (From), followed by the new path (To), the Status Code (this will usually be 301, which is a permanent redirect), the Original Language, when the change was made (Created), and an Operations dropdown, with the options to Edit or Delete.

In most cases, you will NOT be editing or deleting redirects that Ziggurat creates. However, do know that this page is here, and how it works.

Note that this function is for internal redirects only. If you want your publication to have its own URL, you will do that through the domain service from which you bought the URL. For example, the RISD Museum wanted the Raid the Icebox Now publication to have its own URL, https://raidtheiceboxnow.art. That URL redirects to the Ziggurat URL, https://publications.risdmuseum.org/raid-icebox-now. But that was not done through an internal redirect, as we purchased the https://raidtheiceboxnow.art domain name from an outside source.

Also note that there is another tab to the Redirect page: Fix 404 Pages. This page lists broken links associated with your domain name. 



Files is essentially another way to view assets that live in the Media Library, with a little extra information. The Used In field is particularly useful if you are trying to identify if an asset is used on the site. Unlike the Media Library, this is just an index; there are no actions you can perform on these assets. You also cannot upload new assets via this page; that can only be done via the Media Library.

You can search for files by their Filename or MIME type, or filter by Status (Temporary or Permanent). 

The files are in a list, with seven columns of information: Name, MIME Type, Size, Status, Upload Date, Changed Date, and Used In. Any hyperlinked column title can be clicked on and used to sort the files.

The Name is the asset’s original filename, not the Media Name that you assigned to it on upload. If you click the hyperlinked Name, it will show you a full res version of the file.

MIME types (also known as Media Types) are a specific, controlled internet taxonomy for types of files. They are a two-part identifier, a type and a subtype, separated by a backslash (/). In the case of Ziggurat, there are five types: application, audio, image, text, and video. The subtype will be the file type associated with that asset. For example, you can have an image/jpeg, or an image/png, or an image/gif. Note that Ziggurat assigns the MIME type; this is not something that you as a user will be required to do.

Used In shows how many times that asset is used on a page in Ziggurat. It does not, however, list where that asset is used.