
Login & Your Account

To log in, you will type in the URL to your team’s Ziggurat main page, and add /user

You also have the ability to reset your password, edit your user profile, and log out.


  1. 1. Logging In
    1. - Log In
    2. - Create New Account
    3. - Reset Your Password
  2. 2. Managing your Profile
    1. - View Profile
    2. - Edit Profile
    3. - Log Out

Contents: 00:00 Logging In | 00:18 Log In | 01:09 Create New Account | 02:06 Managing Your Profile | 02:28 View Profile | 02:59 Edit Profile

Logging In

To login, you will type in the URL for your team’s Ziggurat domain, and add /user. For example, for the RISD Museum, that would be http://publications.risdmuseum.org/user

At the top of the page there will be three buttons: Log In, Create New Account, and Reset Your Password. Most of the time, you will be simply logging in by filling in the fields below those three buttons.


Log In

Log In is the default; that is the page that appears when you add /user to your team’s Ziggurat URL. To finish logging in, enter your username and password into the respective open text fields. Click Log In.

This will bring you to your account. You can manage your account with the three buttons in the Button Bar (more information below in the Manage section), or proceed to creating or editing content with the Content tab in the Manage Bar. (For more about the Manage Bar, see the Introduction to the Interface page.)


Create New Account

If you do not have an account, click Create New Account. In the first field, enter your email address. In the second field, enter a username of your choice. You also have the option to upload a profile picture. Click Create New Account at the bottom of the page.

You will receive an email from your team’s Ziggurat account saying that your request is pending. (A web admin will need to approve your request.) Once they have, you will receive another email with a link for you to set your password.

Note that these requests must be approved by a Ziggurat Web Admin from your team. If you are a Web Admin looking to create a new account or multiple new accounts, we suggest that you add users through the People tab on the Manage Bar. This is covered on the Manage Bar II page. 

The Manage Bar II page will also cover how, as a Web Admin, you can approve requests generated when people click the Create New Account button.


Reset your password

Enter either your username or email address into the open text field. Click Submit.

You will receive an email from your team’s Ziggurat account, containing a link that will allow you to reset your password. 

Click that link or copy and paste it into your web browser. Click the Log In button. You will now be able to create a new password. Click Save.



You can view, edit, or log out from your Ziggurat Profile from the Manage Bar (the dark grey menu at the top, or sometimes lefthand side of your screen) at any point. To do so, click on the tab with your username in the upper right corner of the Manage Bar. This will reveal three new options in the Manage Bar: View Profile, Edit Profile, and Log Out. (These options will appear on the far left, below Manage.)

View Profile brings you to a summary overview of your account. It will display your profile picture, and how long you’ve had a Ziggurat account. You also have a few new options in a Button Bar above: View, Roles, and Edit. View is where you are now.

Clicking Roles allows you to change a user’s role. Ziggurat has three user roles: Web Admin, Editor, and Artist. Web Admins have upper level access to Ziggurat features, Editors have intermediate access, and Artists have the most restricted access. For more about Roles, see the Manage Bar II page. Note that only web admin have access to these controls, so I would not recommend changing your own role settings

Finally, there is the Edit button. (If you have clicked on Roles, then this will appear as a tab instead of a button.) This will take you to the same place as the Edit Profile tab above.

This allows you to reset your email address, your username, and your password. You can also change your status and your role, but as noted before, you will not be wanting to change these for yourself. (These settings appear on all user profile pages, so you might be altering them for another user, just not yourself!) Below you can add a profile picture. And you also have the ability to set your time zone; the default is New York, or Eastern Time.

Click Save to update any changes you made. We would not recommend cancelling your own account, but you do have that option. To return to the standard Manage Bar options, click Manage in the upper left corner.

Log Out allows you to log out of your account. Alternatively, you can type your team’s Ziggurat URL, and add /user/logout.