For as long as I can remember, I have been riddled with anxiety and horror when confronted with needles. At only sixteen, I had to face my worst fear and had to surgically remove a bone growth from my knee. I was absoluely petrified. In my senior thesis collection, Paresthesia, I explore the nature of needle phobia and it’s surrounding fears and emotions.
- Alla Alsahli
- Kyra Gabrielle Buenviaje
- Caitlin Chiocchio
- Vanessa Chiriboga
- Izabela Clarke
- Hannah Davis
- Kendall Emerson
- Amanda Glickman
- Zoe Grinfeld
- Melissa Kennelly
- Andrew Kim
- Allie Koltunov
- Isabelle Saxton
- Desiree Scarborough
- Olivia Shen
- Samantha Tate
- Isabelle Xing
- Violet Zhou
- Ce'ce Chen
- Ezzy Goncalves
- Lucian Jessel
- Ashley Ma
- Chloe Mario
- Francesca Matarese
- Nathan Miller
- Maxime Mulder
- Thomas Sheen