
My interest in painting ultimately stems from an interest the landscape as a source of inspiration. In my paintings, an idea of landscape is alluded to in regard to both the image and the material. Paper pulp as a material allows the work to have a focus on sustainability, as I was able to use completely recycled paper throughout each of these pieces. Ideas of beauty, nature, and spirituality are associated with the landscape, and I utilize these associations to romantically illustrate / frame the environment within my work.
Social: @nevindunn

Ink on handmade paper
9'' x 12''

An Arc of Doves
Paper pulp on canvas
72'' x 48'' x 2''

Story of My Life
Paper pulp, ink
33'' x 11''
Paper Pulp on Canvas
25'' x 23'' x 1'', 25'' x 23'' x 1''
Paper Pulp Hammock
Paper pulp, cotton rope, wood
96'' x 36'' x 1''
Paper Pulp Hammock
Paper pulp, cotton rope, wood
96'' x 36'' x 1''
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