
The struggle of every artist worth the time you spend standing, looking at the wall:
There is simply too much I want to convey in my work. My desire for a better, more just world. Infinite curiosity. A childlike wonder sheathed in the veneer of an adult’s sophistication and cynicism. Pure awe at the majesty and science of the Earth and the universe. A restless thirst for adventure. The integral connection between humanity and every other lifeform on this planet.
I wish I could boil down that feeling of fear and awe—that feeling of being so incredibly miniscule in the midst of this vast, unknowable universe. The suffocating, terrifying wonder of a body trying to comprehend the incomprehensible.
I wish I could remind my adult viewers of the reckless, fearless curiosity they once had.

Micron PN
9" x 12"
This piece was made after a semester of research into biodiversity and the mass extinction currently taking place.

Type Sketches
Micron PN
9" x 12"


Pigma Graphic Pen, Digital

Peep these unique stickers on
Glossy and Matte Vinyl
various sizes
Shameless self-promotion. Gotta get creative in these times.

Pigma Graphic Pen, Digital
Spread with Voltaire's "Religion"
Indesign Spread
From my artist book titled "The Bittersweetness of Life on Earth"

Spread with Stephen Crane Poem
Indesign Spread
From my poetry book titled "The Bittersweetness of Life on Earth"

Spread with Jellyfish Image
Indesign Spread
From my poetry book titled "The Bittersweetness of Life on Earth"
- Christina Abramson
- Shafi Adam
- Zoe Alexander
- Sarah Alvarez
- Liam Archibald
- Natalie Baron
- Ali Bartlett
- Rounak Bhunia
- Amanda Booth
- Natasha Brennan
- January Bridges
- Grace Bright
- Sam Brumbaugh
- Anna Chen Campbell
- Pip Caplan
- Noa Cebalo
- Harim Choi
- Ceili Conway
- Claudia Demelo
- Michael DiCiaccio
- Jessica Dough
- Nevin Dunn
- Natalie Elliott
- Sue Farfan
- Eloise Fassler
- Hannah Ferguson
- Beth Fisher
- Jess Fleming
- Jane Gorelik
- Quincy Harding
- Caroline Hu
- Sohyun Jeon
- Min Kang
- Ryn Kang
- Kalyani Kastor
- Diana Da Seul Kim
- Ji Yoon Kim
- Mishelle Kim
- Sarah Klotzer
- Katie Kwak
- Heechan Lee
- Jackie Lee
- Alistair Liptak
- Maddie Lutchko
- Natalie Ma
- Katt McCann
- Drew Mitchell
- Charis Moon
- Maegan Murphy
- Connor Nguyen
- Alex Nickolson-Edie
- Marsha Niemeijer
- Laura O'Bannon
- Chaz Outing
- Duairak (Lun) Padungvichean
- Lukas Palumbo
- Michelle Perez
- Katie Quirk
- Sean Lark Reece
- Matt Rios
- Connor Robinson
- Mia Royce
- Natalie Saenz
- Ian Seegers
- Becki Shu
- Sam Silegy
- Tammy Stahl
- Marisa Struhl
- Brianna Tse
- Hutch Viscardi
- Hannah Wang
- Kimberly Wang
- Yihan Wang
- Rose Wolf Webster
- Stacey Wheeler
- Kira Widjaja
- Daimei Wu
- Emma Yang
- Molly Kate Young
- Helen Haoyi Yu
- Jiani Yu
- Xindi Zhang
- Rainy Zhang
- Sarah Zhong
- Yiqun Zhou
- Sam Berenfield
- Tristan Blum
- Riley Brown
- Celine Chandra
- Vienna Gambol
- Yilan Gao
- James Gately
- Nadia Lahlaf
- Eric Lee
- Angel Liu
- Jillian Marzec
- Sophie Morse
- Jonathan Muroya
- Han Park
- Alex Pourvali
- Brendan Shaeffer
- Becki Shu
- Jenny Wang
- Jiahui Xu