
My work is a product of my upbringing, and explores identity in relation to humor, social environment, and codifying ourselves with clothing. Having grown up in a suburb outside of Boston, a lot of my inspiration comes from the way people approach their relationship to conveying their personality through dress, regardless of their proximity to the world of fashion or fine art. In my process, I am constantly developing new systems of reuse and repurposing in regards to both physical material and performative meaning. Why do we dress the way we do, and how can that act as a conversation, or better yet, an ongoing story?

Tanning Set
Machine-knit cotton and wool yarn, secondhand cotton fabric
Thesis Look 1: Vain former teen beauty queen, who is now directionless and spends much of her time tanning in her parent's lawn.

Overlapped Sweater
Screen printed and machine-knit cotton and wool
Research: This sweater encapsulated the recurring colors of my childhood, with the included imagery of Bugs Bunny and Roadrunner on the sleeves.

Collector's Vest and Top
Knit-woven cord, latex, rubber-dipped ceramics, digitally printed cotton
Thesis Look 2: Obsessive collector and documenter of her family's past, including mementos stashed into latex pockets in her shirt, and attached to her vest.

Original Collector's Top
Machine-knit cotton and wool, found items
Research: An exploration into collection and organization, and the value of common everyday items.

Dom Mom Set
Digitally printed cotton jersey, leather scraps, latex gloves
Thesis Look 3: A suburban mother figure whose power lies within her dominant nature and getting exactly what she wants.

Market Basket Aisle
Tapestry-woven cotton cord and cotton boucle yarn
13" x 3"
Research: This is all about the enormity of the supermarket.

Golf Dad Dojo
Machine-knit wool, digitally printed denim, scrap nylon fabric
Thesis Look 4: He's a father, lover of many things, but his outward appearance only accounts for his love of golf.

Mom and Dad
Digital collage

Mom and Dad Film Stills
Digital film
Witnessing the duality of personalities shared.
- Olivia Bangham
- Leopold Brekke
- Aoife Cahill
- Gabriella Cardenas
- Alexis Caruso
- Daphne Chen
- Anna Daly
- Ian Danner
- Hera Ford
- Annabelle Gao
- Nancy Jean Guerrero
- Elise Hu
- Kelly Hughes
- Channy Huh
- Noah Kantrowitz
- Min Ji Kim ↗
- Hwi Lin Lee
- Katherine Lin
- Suzan Mischer
- Whitney Nekoroski
- Sarah Nicita
- Elaine Shen
- Sarah Surprise
- Halo Yun
- Ingrid Matison
- Nick Raley
- Morgan Watson